Journey in Guatemala

The last trip in the 2023 Ambassador Programme was to Guatemala, a coffee paradise that produces some of the world’s most prestigious blends. Here, our group representatives and ambassadors ventured into the plantations that grow in the uncontaminated forests of Antigua’s volcanic region.







After leaving Guatemala City, the group of Ambassadors headed for Antigua, the old colonial capital in a luxuriant area on the banks of Lake Atitlán. The city is famous for its ancient ruins and natural landscapes, with fragrant coffee plantations on the slopes of old volcanoes.





In the next few days, they visited factories and co-operatives where the coffee is processed. Here, they tried their hand at harvesting the beans, as well as seeing the coffee bushes being pruned and the pulp recycled to produce compost. Most of the farmers in Guatemala are organised in co-operatives to facilitate resource sharing and the promotion of common interests. This is the case above all in small local communities, in which families continue to hand down their know-how and the cultural traditions around this precious plant, from generation to generation.






The group spent three busy days watching various activities in the plantations and factories that process the coffee. But they also managed to find time to relax and explore the Mayan villages on the shores of Lake Atitlán and the town of Antigua, with its cobbled streets and typical pastel-coloured buildings.