Center for Circular Economy in Coffee launched

27-09-2023 • CORPORATE

Our Foundation, working with a global network of partners, supports the center created to improve the environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability of the coffee system.


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Supporting and promoting the principles of the circular economy, accelerating the sustainable transition of the coffee supply chain, supporting innovation: these are the goals of the new Center for Circular Economy in Coffee.


The global pre-competitive platform was launched during the World Coffee Conference (WCC 2023) promoted by the International Coffee Organization (ICO) and held in Bangalore from September 25 to 27: every four years, the conference brings together the industry’s main players and decision-makers, from over a hundred countries, to work together with an increasingly sustainable coffee industry. Held for the first time in Asia, WCC 2023 focused the debate on circularity and was entitled “Sustainability through circular economy and regenerative agriculture”.



Goals and participants


Established in Turin based on an idea from the Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza Foundation, the Center has the support of numerous Italian and international partners: Politecnico di Torino, University of Gastronomic Sciences (Pollenzo), International Coffee Organization (ICO), International Trade Centre (ITC) and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).


The idea is to create and provide access to a global knowledge network and implement pilot projects in the circular economy. That’s why the Center is open for collaboration with all players in the coffee supply chain. From local producers and growers to roasters, associations, institutions and research centers: a collaborative approach that creates a scientific network of industry experts through which to find inspiration in the projects shared with the Center, support new initiatives that help accelerate the circular economy in the coffee industry, raise awareness and propose innovative solutions.



Our commitment


Our aim has always been to guarantee maximum coffee quality with the least possible environmental impact: that’s why applying the principles of the Circular Economy is a strategic choice for us to prevent waste, increase efficiency and reduce emissions and waste production across the product’s entire life cycle. With this in mind, we have drawn up the “Sustainable Packaging Roadmap,” which aims to make our entire product packaging portfolio recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025. The Group’s  Circular Economy Manifesto sets out the four pillars of our commitment and our strategy.