We have received gender equality certification issued by TÜV Italy

08-03-2024 • NEWS

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In another demonstration of our commitment to promoting gender equality, we have obtained Gender Equality Certification (ex Uni PDR 125:2022) from TÜV Italy. The certificate was issued following an assessment of our company and its production facilities by the certification body. 

This carries forward our Diversity & Inclusion programme and follows on from first level EDGE certification (level I ASSESS of the three offered) for Gender Equality in Italy, obtained in January 2023.


The certification


The certification obtained is reserved for companies that demonstrate they promote inclusion in the workplace with practices and policies to foster gender equality. TÜV Italy assessed compliance by examining quantitative and qualitative indicators in six areas: Culture and Strategy, Governance, HR Processes, Opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company, Gender Pay Equality, Parenting. We were certified for achieving a score of 86% in these indicators.





The certification forms part of our GAP FREE programme to promote equality and value diversity, for which we have created our Diversity & Inclusion Manifesto. We are committed to ensuring a healthy, rewarding and inclusive work environment in which the unique qualities of every person are valued, in line with Goal 5 - Gender Parity of the 2030 Agenda.