Board of Directors



The Board of Directors is entrusted with the broadest powers for the management and strategic direction of the company and the Group, to which the company reports. 



Giuseppe Lavazza

Giuseppe entered the family business in 1991 after finishing his university studies and gaining professional experience in London (Philip Brothers), going on to act as the company’s Strategic Marketing Director from 2005 to 2011. In 2008 he also assumed the role of Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A., a position he held until april 2023.


Giuseppe Lavazza is also on the Board of Directors of the non-profit Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza Foundation-of Finlav S.p.A., a holding company belonging to the Lavazza family; and a member of the Steering Committee of International Coffee Partners, an organisation that promotes programmes dedicated to supporting coffee producers. Furthermore, he is Chairman of Comitato Italiano del Caffè (Italian Coffee Commitee).


In 2019 he was made a knight of the Order of Merit for Labour by Italian President Sergio Mattarella, like his father Emilio in 1991.


From 27 April 2023 he is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A.

Alberto Lavazza
Honorary Chairman

Alberto, a member of the third generation of the Lavazza family, joined the family business in 1962 after completing his studies in Switzerland. He began his career working alongside his father Pericle, son of the company’s founder Luigi Lavazza.


Working in tandem with his cousin Emilio (the Honorary Chairman who sadly passed away in 2010) whose work focused mainly on commercial expansion, Alberto has personally overseen research and development activities on the raw materials and the manufacturing processes.


After performing the roles of Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of the company, he became Chairman of the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A. in 2008.


From 27 April 2023 he is Honorary Chairman of the Group.

Marco Lavazza
Vice Chairman

After finishing his university studies, Marco began his professional career first at the International Business Department of the University of Nevada, then in the Marketing Department of the Ferrero Group.


In 2002, he joined the Board of Directors of the family business, where over the years he acquired a varied managerial experience in strategic sectors as the Coffee Buying Department, Operations, Sales and M&A, working his way up to the role of Vice Chairman in 2011.


Since 2015, he has been on the General Board of Confindustria, having previously been a member of the Managing Board and the Council during the period of 2012-2015.


Since 2019, until June 2023, he has been Chairman of Unione Italiana Food, Europe’s largest association in the sector, as well as acting as Vice Chairman of the Employers' Association of Turin.

Antonio Baravalle
Chief Executive Officer

After completing his university studies in biology, Antonio achieved a Master’s in Business Administration before embarking on his professional career in the Marketing & Sales Department at Diageo (1992).


In 1999 he joined the Fiat Group, where he gained significant professional experiences. He became Vice Chairman of Marketing for the Alfa Romeo brand in 2003 and Chief Executive Officer of Lancia in 2004, before taking on the role of Chief Executive Officer at Alfa Romeo in 2005. 


In 2008 he left the Fiat Group to take up the mantle of Chief Executive Officer of the Giulio Einaudi Editore publishing house (Mondadori Group) and, in 2010, that of General Educational Director of Mondadori too, in addition to his role as Chief Executive Officer of Mondadori Electa.


Since 2011 he has been Chief Executive Officer of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A., guiding the Group through the journey of growth and internationalisation it has embarked on in recent years.

Antonella Lavazza
Board Member

A member of the Board of Directors of the family business since 1998, in 2004 Antonella also joined the Board of Directors of the non-profit Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza Foundation, along with her cousin Giuseppe.


Since 1999 she has sat on the Board of Directors of Finlav S.p.A., currently serving as Chairwoman. Since 2010 she has managed the activities of Lavazza’s Historical Archive, where the company’s history and memories are preserved.


Since 2017 she has been Vice Chairwoman of 2gether, a non-profit organisation that supports children and teenagers with disabilities through sports.


She has also been Vice Chairwoman of Time2 since 2020, a foundation whose aim is to generate a social impact, supporting initiatives in the fields of innovation, sustainable development and inclusion.

Francesca Lavazza
Board Member

After having completed her studies and a long experience in the Armando Testa communications group, Francesca attended the prestigious New York Film Academy, where she pursued her interest in the languages of art.


She joined the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A. in 2001. Since 2010, she has been on the Board of Directors of Finlav S.p.A., where since 2023 she is serving as Chief Executive Officer. Between 2005 and 2015 she took on responsibility for the company’s Corporate Image, a role in which she dedicated herself by developing and furthering new forms of communication, such as the international campaigns for the Lavazza Calendar, photography projects, and the launch of major partnerships linked to the world of art and culture.


Since 2015 she has been on the Board of Directors of Camera, an Italian Photography Exhibition Centre, and on the Board of Trustees of New York’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation since 2016. She has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the Università di Scienze Gastronomiche of Pollenzo since 2017. In 2020 she became Chairwoman of Piedmont’s branch of Adisco and since 2021 she has been appointed as Chairwoman of Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea.

Manuela Lavazza
Board Member

The youngest representative of the fourth generation of the Lavazza Family joined the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A. in 2014, having previously completed Language studies at university. She pursued her education by attending the ESCP European Business School, earning a Master’s in European Business.


During these years, Manuela also gained experience in the company, contributing to the creation of the Lavazza Museum launched in 2018.


As of 2020, she sits on the Board of Directors of Finlav S.p.A.


Active in the world of sports — her passion for skiing led her to achieve a teaching qualification — as well as in the social sector, she is the Chairwoman of 2gether, a non-profit organisation that supports children and teenagers with disabilities through sports. Since 2020 she is Vice Chairwoman of Special Olympics Italia, the worldwide movement that throughout sport opposes the marginalization and exclusion of people with relational intellectual disabilities. She is also Chairwoman of the Time2 foundation, which is active in the areas of social innovation, sustainable development and inclusion.

Silvia Candiani
Board Member

She started her career in 1993 as an Associate in the financial institutions and media practice at McKinsey & Company. In 1998, she joined San Paolo IMI as head of CRM and Marketing before moving to Vodafone Italy, first as CRM Manager and then Consumer Director.


In 2010, she joined Microsoft as General Manager Consumer & Online and held posts of increasing responsibility before being made global Vice Chairwoman Telecommunication, a post she still holds today. She has been Chairwoman of the Università Bocconi Alumni since 2020 and a member of the university’s board of directors since 2022.


She is also a board director of ValoreD, a non-profit association that promotes women's leadership in business, and plays an active role in ITA2030, an organisation the promotes the development of non-profit initiatives.


From 2023 she is a member of the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A., in which she sits as an independent and non-executive director.

Enrico Cavatorta
Board Member

Enrico began his professional career in 1985, in the Finance and Control Department of Procter & Gamble Italia, where he remained until 1993. After gaining consultancy experience at McKinsey & Co. lasting three years, during which he handled various strategic projects, he joined Piaggio in 1996 as the Group’s Planning and Control manager.


In 1999 he earned the office of Chief Financial Officer in the Luxottica Group, where he remained for 15 years, taking on roles of increasing importance and eventually becoming its General Manager and then Chief Executive Officer for Corporate Departments. After this remarkable experience, he joined the fashion retail group Yoox-Net a Porter in the role of Chief Financial and Corporate Officer.


In 2019, he joined the Lavazza Group, where he held the same title.


In 2020, he joined the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A., where he sits as an executive director.

Robert Kunze-Concewitz
Board Member

Robert began his career at Procter & Gamble, where he first performed the role of FP&A analyst before advancing in the marketing sector, taking on numerous positions of significant responsibility on an international level, eventually becoming Group Marketing Director for the Global Prestige Products department.


In 2005 he joined the Campari Group in the role of Group Marketing Director, implementing various new marketing strategies for the Group’s international brands.


In 2007, he was appointed Group Chief Executive Officer of Campari.


Since 2014 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A., where he sits as an independent, non-executive director.

Nunzio Pulvirenti
Board Member

Shortly after completing his studies in 1977, Nunzio began his working life at Fiat, where he remained until 2004 in roles of increasing responsibility in the production departments of car manufacturing plants, culminating in 1987 when he rose to the Management of the Alfa Romeo plant in Arese, which had just been purchased by Fiat. In 1991 he was put in charge of the Product Development Department and, following the 2000 agreement between Fiat and General Motors,  became Chairman of the Board of Fiat-GM Powertrain.


In 2005 he embarked on a new adventure in Ferrero, at the head of the Operations Department. In 2011, following the tragic death of Pietro Ferrero, with whom he had worked closely, he became the manager of the Product Department and of SOREMARTEC, joining the Strategic Committee, the Board of Ferrero International, and the BoD of Ferrero SpA. In 2015 he voluntarily relinquished all operating responsibilities, while nonetheless remaining on the Advisory Board of Ferrero and later becoming Chairman of the Audit Committee, positions that he held until 2019, when he made his definitive departure from the group.


In 2020 he joined the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A., where he sits as an independent, non-executive director.

Roberto Spada
Board Member

Roberto began his career as a Certified Accountant in 1986 in Turin.


He has been an associate of the Spada Partners Studio in Milan since 1989, where he is currently managing partner. Throughout his long career, he has mainly dealt with corporate restructuring, mergers&acquisitions, tax in the financial and banking sector and international taxation. He has acted in various roles in corporate crisis management and restructuring situations.


From 2009 to 2017 he was the Extraordinary Administrator for the IT Holding/Ittierre Group, a role he was appointed to by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. He has acted as Chariman and sat on the board of directors of several Italian and international groups, and currently holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Club House Italia S.p.A. and Luxury Living Group S.p.A., an industrial group operating in the luxury furniture sector. He also acts as the Statutory Auditor for several leading companies.


In April 2020 he joined the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A., where he sits as an independent, non-executive director.

Daniel John Winteler
Board Member

Daniel began his career in finance and M&A at Ciba (pharmaceutical chemicals) in Switzerland in 1988. He was one of the key figures in the Ciba-Sandoz merger that resulted in Novartis and went on to become Chief Operating Officer at Ciba Specialty Chemicals. In 2000, he returned to Italy, first as General Manager and then CEO at IFIL (now Exor). In this period, he sat on the boards of various major Italian companies including FIAT, Juventus, Worms and Club Med. 


He became Chairman and CEO of Alpitour Group in 2006 and relaunched the business through major M&A operations, growing the Group’s value and then managing its sale. He was then appointed Chairman of Federturismo. From 2013 to 2016, he was CEO at Miroglio Group, where he led a major restructuring operation. He then assisted in the restructuring and relaunching of numerous manufacturing concerns. He is also a co-founder of Keiken Partners, an advisory firm specialising in extraordinary operations.


He has been an executive director and board member of The European House Ambrosetti S.p.A. since 2021 and is CEO at FG Holding S.p.A. (Gabrielli Group).


He also teaches Management Practices at the University of Turin and sits on the Boards of Directors of Bolaffi and of Ruspa Officine, as well as being Chairman of GDS Communication. 


He is one of the founding partners of The Wine Place London and Vice-Chairman of the non-profit Certosa 1515.


From 2023 he is a member of the Board of Directors of Luigi Lavazza S.p.A., in which he sits as an independent and non-executive director.