Pure energy with “Kickstart Your Heart”, the first Kicking Horse campaign

20-11-2024 • News

Irreverent, ironic, out of the box: the first Kicking Horse Coffee campaign fully reflects the spirit of the brand, which has been part of our Group since 2017. A video bursting with the energy of great coffee and striking payoffs inspired by the campaign title “Kickstart Your Heart”: the North American organic coffee leader is back with its unmistakable mix of humour and compelling stories.



The concept


Legend has it that over twenty-five years ago, in the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains where Kicking Horse Coffee was later founded, a local explorer knocked unconscious when accidentally kicked by his horse was brought back to his senses by a cup of great coffee.


Since then, the kicking horse has symbolised the brand and its unwavering commitment to quality. Today, this powerful image is the centrepiece of the new Kicking Horse Coffee ad campaign.

The video opens with a melancholic scene: a rather glum donkey is looking at some elegant stallions who are galloping free outside the stable where he’s confined to a monotonous and repetitive life. Suddenly, his eyes fall on a glint of chrome: an old motorbike abandoned in a corner. The engine roars, there’s an explosion of music, and a split-second later the donkey zooms out of the stable, leaving the stallions dumbfounded in his dust as he races down the valley in search of adventure.


The campaign on air in Canada and the US has an energy and enthusiasm that captivates consumers. With its irreverent tone, the video captures the enthusiasm associated with a great cup of coffee. It gives a nod to the idea of seizing the moment and living life to the fullest, telling the story of the brand’s anti-conformist spirit.


“Kickstart Your Heart is a love letter to everything Kicking Horse Coffee is”, said Lori Hatcher-Hillier, Chief Marketing Officer at Kicking Horse Coffee. “After years of perfecting our craft, we’re ready to share our story through our first major brand campaign. Our new platform ties together our values, our origins, and our commitment to quality, bringing them to life in a way that matters. Never half-assed”.